| 划词

1.The actress Katharine Hepburn is nearly as well known for her pompadour as she is for her portrayals of independent, feisty women.




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VOA Special 2018年5月

1.One of Katharine Hepburn's most famous roles was in the movie The African Queen.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

2.Katharine Hepburn holds the record for the most Academy Awards for Best Actress. She won the honor four times.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

3.Even into her eighties, Katharine Hepburn kept working. She had roles in several movies and television programs.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

4.Katharine Hepburn was not the usual kind of actress during this period. She had a thin and athletic body.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

5.An actor who worked with Katharine Hepburn once said that she brought with her an extra level of reality.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

6.Katharine Hepburn continued to work very hard making movies. Yet by the late nineteen thirties she had became unpopular with the public.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

7.She also wrote several books, including one about her life. In two thousand three, Katharine Hepburn died. She was ninety-six years old.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

8.So Hepburn and Tracy led a secret love affair for more than twenty years. Katharine Hepburn had had other love interests.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

9.She rode horses, swam and played golf and tennis. Here is a recording of Katharine Hepburn from a film about her life.


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VOA Special 2020年4月

10.It was a great time for Hollywood. The films had exciting new actors. Spencer Tracy. Bette Davis. Katharine Hepburn. The young Shirley Temple.


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VOA Special 2018年5月

11.Here is a recording from The Philadelphia Story. Katharine Hepburn's character, Tracy Lord, is talking with her new friend, Macaulay Connor, a writer.

以下是电影《费城故事》原声片段。本所饰演的角色正在和自己的朋友,作家Macaulay Connor谈话。

「VOA Special 2018年5月」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Fresh Air

12.Leigh is outstanding here, like an even more imperious Katharine Hepburn.


「Fresh Air」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Fresh Air

13.And growing up in Los Angeles, he is the reason why I know who Greta Garbo is and Katharine Hepburn.


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14.Students went there a lot; every spring they had a Humphrey Bogart festival, with Lauren Bacall or Katharine Hepburn, women on their own, making up their minds.

学生们经常去那里;每年春天,他们都会举办亨弗莱·鲍嘉音乐节,劳伦·巴考尔(Lauren Bacall)或·本(Katharine Hepburn)都是独立的女性,她们自己下定决心。机翻

Fresh Air

15.For most of the 20th century, audiences loved romantic comedies, from Cary Grant wooing Katharine Hepburn to Ted Danson and Shelley Long bickering on " Cheers" until they finally, inevitably, fell in love.

在 20 世纪的大部分时间里,观众都喜欢浪漫喜剧,从加里·格兰特向·本求爱,到特德·丹森和雪莱·朗在《干杯》中争吵,直到他们最终不可避免地坠入爱河。机翻

「Fresh Air」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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